21 Oct

You have a problem ...... it lingers and bothers you.........It does not want to go away. 

You can try to mask it, ignore it , fill your head with the pressures of daily life, however every time you try to "band-aid"  your problem, it  keeps coming back. 

If you want to trully get be freed from what is bothering you , you need to face it , address it and talk about it.  Only then will you start to feel better. 

This can be with a trusted friend, or a relative, however some problems are big enough , complex enough and deep enough to be addressed with a trained professional. 

It definately takes courage to know when to ask for help, it is far easier to ignore the symptoms ,and just keep doing the best you can. 

The Grauer Psychology Cener offers a safe space where people can process their emotions , solve their problems and regain a sense of control and mental balance. 

If you need help .....do not suffer alone, call us we are here to help. 

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