03 Jun

I was at an engineering  business meeting a few years ago and there was a significant momet that took place . I still remember that moment today. 

The speaker asked the audience how many people in the room had sprained an ankle while skiing. - Many hands went up. 

The speaker then posed the question how many people had hurt their shouldres while weight training .  - Again several hands went up . 

The speaker then asked the question how many people in the room have suffered from depression. No hands went up. - He then spent time discussing his own past mental health challenges and how he chose to address them rather then hide and ignore them. 

Mental health should be treated with the same degree of urgency as physical health , however all too often it is ignored or pushed to the side as we are too busy dealing with the day to day challenges of life.  

Just as you would not ignore an infected throat or an unexpected lump , you should not ignore such symptoms as recurring bad thoughts , fears or depression. 

Do not suffer alone, call us, we are here to help. - (438)-391-4596


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